
Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Frigione, I., Girondini, M., Massetti, G., Ferrise, F., Etzi, R., Scurati, G., Gaggioli, A., & Gallace, A. (2022). An Exploratory study on the effect of virtual environments on cognitive performances and psychophysiological responses. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.

Gallace, A. (2022). Haptic interaction in virtual reality: Are we ready for the metaverse? Neuroscientific and Behavioural considerations. In Ugliotti, F. M., & Osello, A. Handbook of Research on Implementing Digital Reality and Interactive Technologies to Achieve Society 5.0. IGI Global.

Gallace, A. (2022). Cervelli reali in  mondi virtuali: Psicologia e neuroscienze del metaverso. [Real brains in virtual worlds: psychology and neurosciences of metaverses]. In Montagna. L. Metaverso: Noi e il web 3.0. Mondadori Editore.

Gallace, A., & Girondini, M. (2022). Social touch in virtual reality. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 43, 249-254.

Beccaluva, E., Riccardi, F., Gianotti, M., Barbieri, J., & Garzotto, F. (2021). VIC—A Tangible User Interface to train memory skills in children with Intellectual DisabilityInternational Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 100376.

Panagiotopoulou, L., Cía Gayarre, N., Scurati, G. W., Etzi, R., Massetti, G., Gallace, A., and Ferrise, F. (2021). Design of a Serious Game for Children to Raise Awareness on Plastic Pollution and Promoting Pro-Environmental Behaviors. ASME. J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng. December 2021; 21(6): 064502.

Pietra, A., Vazquez Rull, M., Etzi, R. Gallace, A., Scurati, G. W., Ferrise, F., & Bordegoni, M. (2021). Promoting eco-driving behavior through multisensory stimulation: a preliminary study on the use of visual and haptic feedback in a virtual reality driving simulator. Virtual Reality (2021).

Dozio, N., Maggioni, E., Pittera, D., Gallace, A., & Obrist, M. (2021). May I Smell your Attention: Exploration of Smell and Sound for Visuospatial Attention in Virtual Reality. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 2915. https://doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.671470

Cerritelli, F., Chiera, M., Abbro, M., Megale, V., Esteves J., Gallace A., & Manzotti, A. (2021). The Challenges and Perspectives of the Integration Between Virtual and Augmented Reality and Manual Therapie. Front. Neurol., 30 June 2021 |

Pieri, L., Serino, S., Cipresso, P. et al. (2021). The ObReco-360°: a new ecological tool to memory assessment using 360° immersive technology. Virtual Reality

Torelli E., Shemy I.E., Silleresi, S., Moskwa L., Cosentino G. & Garzotto F. (2020). “Do You Speak Holo? A Mixed Reality Application for Foreign Language Learning in Children with Language Disorders“. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Work- shops (VRW), Atlanta, GA, USA, pp. 609-610. VRW50115.2020.00155

Vona F., Silleresi, S., Beccaluva E., Garzotto F. (2020). “Social MatchUP: Collaborative Games in Wearable Virtual Reality for Persons with Neu- rodevelopmental Disorders“. In: Ma M., Fletcher B., Göbel S., Baalsrud Hauge J., Marsh T. (eds) Serious Games. JCSG 2020. Springer, Cham.

Sara Belloli, Sara Porro, Vikram Singh Virk, Roberta Etzi, Alberto Gallace, Monica Bordegoni and Marina Carulli (2020). The Kandinsky Experience: A Multisensory Augmented Reality Application for Cultural Heritage
Computer-Aided Design, 18 (4), 799-814 | doi: 10.14733/cadaps.2021.799-814

Federico Gardoni, Fabio Mojetta, Chiara Sorrentino, Roberta Etzi, Alberto Gallace, Monica Bordegoni and Marina Carulli (2020). Raising Awareness about the Consequences of Human Activities on Natural Environments through Multisensory Augmented Reality: Amazon Rainforest and Coral Reef Interactive Experiences
Computer-Aided Design, 18 (4), 815-830 | doi: 10.14733/cadaps.2021.815-830

Baldissarri, C., Gabbiadini, A., Andrighetto, L., & Volpato, C. (2020). The ACME shop: A paradigm to investigate working (self-) objectification. THE JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 1-17.

Gabbiadini, A., Baldissarri, C., Durante, F., Valtorta, R., De Rosa, M., & Gallucci, M. (2020). Together Apart: The Mitigating Role of Digital Communication Technologies on Negative Affect During the COVID-19 Outbreak in Italy. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 11(554678).

Etzi, R; Huang, S;  Scurati, G. & Lyu, S; Ferrise, F; Gallace, A; Gaggioli, A; Chirico, A; Carulli, M & Bordegoni, M. (2019). Using Virtual Reality To Test Human­-Robot Interaction During a Collaborative Task. ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences DOI: 10.1115/DETC2019-97415.

Micaroni, L; Carulli, M & Ferrise, F; Gallace, A; Bordegoni, M (2019). An Olfactory Display to Study the Integration of Vision and Olfaction in a Virtual Reality Environment. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. DOI: 19. 1. DOI: 10.1115/1.4043068.

Nava, E., Föcker, J., &; Gori, M. (2019). Children can optimally integrate multisensory information after a short action-like mini game training. Developmental Science, doi: 10.1111/desc.12840.

Pancani, L., Riva, P. &; Sacchi, S. (2019). Connecting with a slot machine: Social exclusion and anthropomorphization increase gambling. Journal of Gambling Studies, 35, 689–707.

Carulli, M; Bordegoni, M; Ferrise, F; Gallace, A;  Gustafsson, M; Pfuhl, T. (2018). Simulating Multisensory Wine Tasting Experience. Proceedings of the DESIGN 2018 15th International Design Conference 2177-2186. DOI: 10.21278/idc.2018.0485.

Gabbiadini, A. &; Riva, P. (2018). The lone gamer: Social exclusion predicts violent video game preferences and fuels aggressive inclinations in adolescent players. Aggressive Behavior, 44, 113-124.

Etzi, R; Ferrise, F & Bordegoni, M; Zampini, M; Gallace, A. (2017). The Effect of Visual and Auditory Information on the Perception of Pleasantness and Roughness of Virtual Surfaces. Multisensory Research. 31 (6), 501-522. DOI: 10.1163/22134808-00002603.

Venturini, E., Riva, P., Serpetti, F., Romero, L., Pallavincini, F., Mantovani, F., Cloutier, R.,McMahan, T., Stonecipher, K., &; Parsons, T.D. (2016). A comparison of 3D versus 2D virtual environments on the feelings of social exclusion, inclusion, and overinclusion. Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine, 14, 89-94.