We would like to inform you about an interesting seminar that will take place on Friday 16 April at 4.30 p.m. live on webex, hosted by Dr. Manuela Chessa from the University of Genoa, entitled: Perception and Natural Interaction in Mixed Reality
Speaker: Manuela Chessa, PhD – Assistant Professor in Computer Science at University of Genoa, Italy – Dept. of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and Systems Engineering
Abstract: Mixed Reality (MR) systems, combining virtual and real environments in a perceptually coherent way, are designed to immerse humans into rich and compelling simulated environments by leveraging our perceptual system (i.e., vision, touch, sound). In turn, exposure to MR can reshape and alter our perceptual processing by tapping into the brain’s significant ability to adapt to changes in the environment through neural plasticity. Therefore, to design successful MR systems, we must first understand the functioning and limitations of our perceptual and cognitive systems. We can then tailor MR technology to stimulate our senses and maximize user experience optimally. Understanding how to wield MR tools to reshape how we perceive the world has incredible potential for societal and clinical applications.
In this talk, I will cope with some of the aspects we should consider to devise effective Mixed Reality systems in which people can interact ecologically. I will discuss the perceptual aspects of the interaction and the user experience factors. Moreover, I will address the technological challenges and the Computer Vision issues we should address to devise effective and perceptually and spatially coherent MR systems, in particular features extraction, depth sensing, tracking, and multi-sensor integration. Finally, I will present some use cases, their use in several application fields, and the user evaluation.
Bio: Manuela Chessa is Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Dept. of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and Systems Engineering of the University of Genoa, Italy. Her research interests are focused on the development of natural human-machine interfaces based on virtual, augmented and mixed reality, on the perceptual and cognitive aspects of interaction in VR and AR, on the development of bioinspired neural models, and on the study of biological and artificial vision systems. She studies the use of novel sensing and 3D tracking technologies and of visualization devices (e.g. 3D monitors and projectors, head-mounted-displays, video see-through and optical see- through devices) to develop natural and ecological interaction systems, always having in mind the human perception. In particular, she is active in studying misperception issues, visual stress and fatigue that arise by using such systems. She has been the Program Co-chair of the HUCAPP International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications. She is the organizer of the Tutorial “Cognitive Aspects of Interaction in Virtual and Augmented Reality Systems” (CAIVARS) at ISMAR Conference since 2018. She participated in several EU, Alcotra and National (Italian) Projects. She is author of more than 75 papers in international book chapters, journals and conference proceedings, and co-inventor of 3 patents.
Here is the access link to the seminar: