Today we kicked off a new initiative aimed at PhD students, post-docs and anyone interested in building VR environments for use in the psychological disciplines.
What is it all about?
The basic idea is to create a club of students who work, will work or are simply interested in issues related to the development and use of VR technologies with the aim of sharing experiences and knowledge so to accelerating their own skills. The group will coordinate through meetings, talks and a wiki page (www.mibtec.it/wiki) with the aim of sharing their knowledge and results as much as possible.
What topics?
Everything related to VR! From interesting scientific articles to more practical things, such as sharing scripts, programming techniques, resources, Unity assets and so on… but also problems, doubts, requests for help… with no limits.
During this kick-off meeting, two people were identified as responsible for organising the first meetings (Dr. Luca Pieri and Dr. Girondini Matteo).
In order to start coordinating HERE VR activities, we thought of collecting the email addresses of all those who want to participate. If you are interested in the activities of this nascent group, leave us your email address by filling out this simple form https://psicologiaunimib.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3VJX7I7KosCv606
Do you want to know more about HERE VR? Download the slides of the Kick-off meeting!